Don't you just hate it when life doesn't follow the manuals? -Anonymous
Yesterday I spent the day helping a friend of mine with a renovation job he is doing on a cabin he and his wife purchased. When they are finished this is going to be a wonderful place to get away, relax, and take vacations. As we were working he was telling me how that spending time in projects such as these is a tremendous stress reliever. As I pondered this I had to consider all of the outlets I have built into my own life for coping with stress. I have writing, music, exercise, and hiking. All of these are great outlets for the stresses associated with being a pastor and with day-to-day problems.
What about you? What sort of outlets do you have to release the stress you face? There is no question that you have at least some stress in your life. Looking for a lifestyle that is stress free is utterly impractical, for such a lifestyle is non-existent. However, finding healthy outlets for stress is not only attainable, but absolutely reasonable. I sometimes have conversations with people who tell me that they honestly have nothing they do as a strategy for getting rid of the stresses in their lives. Instead, they simply try to cope with their problems and go on. Let me challenge you today to consider some strategies for managing stress. Here are some suggestions to think about:
- Exercise daily. This has become for me one of the all time great stress relievers. The health benefits are numerous as is the increase in confidence and improved outlook.
- Find a hobby. What do you have that is all yours? Is there a pursuit that you can practice that is uniquely yours? The possibilities are great and should be suitable to your individual gifts and talents. Take up woodworking, sculpting, painting, or learn to play an instrument. Set aside time to pursue whatever hobby you choose. The rewards will be remarkable.
- Stay connected. Don’t make the mistake of shutting yourself off from other people. Stay in touch with friends, re-connect with family, or volunteer with a charitable organization, or attend church regularly. You have much to offer. Share those talents with others.
- Stop being so hard on yourself. You are only one person, and in God’s eyes you are unique, special, and wonderful. Don’t forget that you are loved and cared for. While you are at it, learn not to let criticism get you down.
It’s going to be a great day!
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