Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. -Charles Dickens
I receive more inspirational email forwards than I can begin to read, but sometimes one will catch my attention. There are a number of them I hope to never see again, but probably will as email forwards have a way of making the rounds ever so often. The one I was thinking of came to my inbox right before Christmas. You have probably received it many times, but on the outside chance that you haven’t, allow me to share it with you here.
Today...I wish you a day of ordinary miracles.
A fresh pot of coffee you didn't have to make yourself.
An unexpected phone call from an old friend.
Green stoplights on your way to work or shop.
I wish you a day of little things to rejoice in…
The fastest line at the grocery store
A good sing-along song on the radio
Your keys right where you look
I wish you a day of happiness and perfection-little bite-size pieces of perfection that give you the funny feeling that the Lord is smiling on you, holding you so gently because you are someone special and rare.
I wish you a day of peace, happiness, and joy.
I have no idea who wrote this, but I certainly like the sentiments and the truth it conveys. Take time to enjoy life, especially the small blessings. They come our way often, but sadly we are too busy or consumed with our own problems to notice or appreciate them. If you are happy today and your life is in a good place and going in a positive direction, then stop and be thankful. Laugh until it hurts, smile at those around you, and take time to fully appreciate all of life’s free blessings. Those treasures will often come in the smallest and most plain packages.
Enjoy the moment and be happy.
It’s going to be a great day!
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