A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. -Spanish Proverb
I hate to bring this up so early into the Christmas season, but how are you doing with your diet and eating habits? The Christmas get-togethers are about to be begin, and the time to for taking a firm and controlled stand is now. This approach is far superior to waiting until January when a weight gain of several pounds has occurred. Along with this comes that bloated and terrible feeling of having eaten way too much. My sister and I have a joke about how that if you break apart a large chocolate chip cookie and then eat it in smaller pieces that it has no calories or sugar. Oh, if only that were so.
Here is a simple truth that merits further consideration: When we eat junk we are going to feel lousy. That should not be difficult to comprehend. However, I have conversations with people about diet and they readily admit to poor eating habits. Countless people are eating jelly doughnuts and Mountain Dew for breakfast (if they eat breakfast at all), which is followed by lunch consisting of fast food hamburgers, French fries, and soda. Later that day, suppertime is a free-for-all of perhaps more fast food, frozen pizza, potato chips, cookies, and more soda. As an additional bonus to such horribly unhealthy eating habits is a pack-a-day smoking habit. And people wonder why they are so lethargic and feel so rotten all of the time.
If any of this describes you, then a complete change in eating habits is in order. Consider the following strategies for a more healthy approach to eating:
- Get rid of all sugar from your diet. This is a simple and uncomplicated strategy; if it has sugar in it, then don’t eat it.
- Rid yourself of all fast food. Fast food chains are some of the worst offenders when it comes to food that is as unhealthy as we can eat. Thick-burgers, pizza-burgers, deep-fried chicken smothered in blue cheese dressing burgers, and orders of French fries large enough to fill a bucket are absolute heart-clogging monstrosities. Try packing your own lunch when you go to work. Not only will you save money, but you will most likely eat healthier as well. A sandwich, a piece of fruit, and a granola bar are undoubtedly healthier than anything you’ll get at a fast food place.
- Try adding plenty of fruit and green leafy vegetables to your diet.
- Try eating your evening meal at home more often rather than eating out. Again, you’ll save money and probably eat healthier.
- For an afternoon or evening snack try fruits, raisins, and nuts.
- Be sure to always stay hydrated. Recent studies have shown that by the time we feel thirsty we may already be de-hydrated.
Start eating healthier and you will feel better. The time for taking back control of your eating habits is now. The choice is yours.
It’s going to be a great day!
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