Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Managing Depression, Sorrow, and the Blues Through Exercise

Early in my career, I decided I never wanted to get out of shape.  -Cal Ripken Jr. 

If your dog is fat, you're not getting enough exercise.  -Author Unknown 

I was having a conversation recently with someone who, like me, has battled depression.  The term that came up in our conversation was “dealing” with depression.  I suggested that a better approach is to think in terms of “managing” depression.  Do not think in terms of getting cured, but instead learn to manage your depressive symptoms.  I know from personal experience that developing strategies for combating depression is imperative to enjoying life, being happy, and finding fulfillment despite feeling depressed.   
I remain convinced that exercise and staying active are vital defenses against depression, sorrow, or a case of the blues.  Sitting inside the house all day with the shades drawn, or simply ignoring the warning signs, are a guarantee that depressive symptoms will begin to take hold.  What follows is a vicious cycle of sorrow, fatigue, and hopelessness.  The cycle can only be broken when we resolve that with God’s help we will rise up and unshackle ourselves from the debilitating chains of sorrow.  Are you reading this and thinking that those chains can never be broken?  Do you equate breaking those chains with climbing a mountain?  If so, I want to encourage you to take heart.  A brighter and better day is coming, but you must resolve to stand up and fight.

I have discussed the positive effects of a healthy diet in a previous blog, so allow me to share some benefits of exercise.  Whatever form of exercise you choose can work wonders.  What is important is discovering what works best for you.  The possibilities include a daily walk, bike riding, handball, tennis, aerobics, calisthenics (my personal favorite), walking a treadmill, weight lifting, or swimming.  As the old Nike ad used to say, “Just do it!”  Consider some of the benefits of exercise and an active lifestyle: 
  • Increased energy.  Exercise will add to our energy levels and give us more focus throughout the day. 
  • Improved confidence.  I cannot fully explain it, but daily exercise increases confidence.  When we are staying active and engaging in some form of regular exercise, we simply feel better about ourselves, which leads to improved confidence as we go about our every day routines. 
  • Better self-esteem.  Nothing makes us feel worse about ourselves than sitting around wallowing in self-pity.  Daily exercise keeps such negativity from taking hold in our lives.  When we are exercising regularly we have this wonderfully fulfilling experience that we are doing something positive.  Rather than lying there and feeling sorry for ourselves, we are up, moving, and taking charge of our health.  The personal rewards from this are tremendous.  You won’t have to tell anyone or brag about it, because you will begin to feel better with each passing day. 

So, have you begun your exercise routine yet?  Now is the time and today is the day.  You are the one who can make it happen.  Are you a person of faith?  If so, begin praying for strength as God is more than willing to help. 

It’s going to be a great day!

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