Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another Look at the Power of Attitude

If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm.  -Vince Lombardi 

I have heard all of my life about the importance of attitude, but it’s only been in the last decade that this subject has become deeply personal to me.  A bad attitude not only affects how we navigate through problems, but it also influences how we relate to other people.  I have had to go back in recent years and apologize to my wife and sons for those times when my bad attitude adversely affected our relationship.  Fortunately, I have learned some useful strategies for obtaining and keeping a more positive attitude even during those times when I am not feeling well or am going through some problem. 

How will we respond to problems?  Will we lie down in defeat, or will we rise up and confront the challenges head-on?  The choice is absolutely ours to make.  Every one of us has the power to stand firm and tackle the frustrations, irritations, problems, and crises that life throws at us on a regular basis.  Anyone can give up without a fight, which explains why so many people choose this course.  However, we can make a decision to rise up and meet the challenge and not give up.  The latter approach leads to personal growth, and it begins with a right attitude.  Consider these strategies for developing and keeping a better attitude each day:
  • Make a conscious decision to practice self-control.  Nothing gets accomplished when we blow all our circuits and start ranting, raving, and cursing like a lunatic.  Resolve that come what may you will handle conflicts and problems in an adult-like manner.  We expect little children to throw temper tantrums and scream like banshees, but mature adults are supposed to handle problems more responsibly. 
  • Develop and maintain a healthy sense of humor.  I heard a comedian once say, “My life is a sitcom and I am the star.” I feel that way a lot.  I am not suggesting that we downplay serious problems, but I am suggesting that we learn to keep our sense of humor.  Laughter is a wonderful tool for relieving stress and seeing the world in a more positive light.  Watch a good comedy, read funny stories, spend time with friends who make you laugh.  Laughter is a gift from God; use it daily.
  • Resolve to smile and be kind to everyone every day.  This is a tall order, I know, for many people we encounter each day will not reciprocate our kindness.  Decide to be the bigger person. Take the high road.  Demonstrate for the less mature how a person with a good attitude handles daily life.   
  • Find a healthy outlet for stress.  Try exercise, a new hobby, or learn some new skill.
  • Learn to appreciate life’s small, free blessings.  Sunrises and sunsets are the most beautiful shows on earth.  A daily walk can be utter joy.  A sunny day can be a most wonderful experience. 
Change your attitude and change your life – for the better. 

It’s going to be a great day!

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