Friday, November 5, 2010

Keeping Life Interesting

I never was on the dull, tame shore, But I loved the great sea more and more. -Barry Cornwall

Life can sometimes become dull and uninteresting, but if that happens, then who is at fault?  The responsibility of finding interesting pursuits, new experiences, and happiness itself rests with each of us as individuals.  To put it bluntly, there is one person in the world responsible for your happiness: You.  When we begin to see life as dull, boring, and uninteresting, the results can only be negative.  Sadness, sorrow, the blues, and major depression can set in leaving us feeling even more disinterested and detached.  The challenge is to somehow rise up and resolve to find enjoyment in life.  Believe when I say that this can be accomplished.

My father retired from Chrysler Corporation in the late 1970’s and he decided to get busy.  Dad’s first order of business was to find something interesting to do, so he went to school and learned how to reupholster furniture.  Within a short time Dad had plenty of work.  He didn’t need to advertise as word quickly got around.  It wasn’t until later that I began to realize that my father was teaching me some of the most valuable lessons of my life; never stop learning, never cease from trying some new skill, expand your horizons, and always stay active.  This proactive approach to life is a powerful tool for a brighter outlook and a more positive perspective. 

The possibilities for making life more interesting and beating the blues are innumerable, but we must adopt a strategy.  Positive and rewarding life experiences will not just happen by themselves, but we must take the proverbial bull by the horns and make them happen.  Consider these tips on making life more appealing and challenging:
  • Take a hard and honest appraisal of your attitude.  Are you negative, cynical, condescending, and complaining?  If so, then you are pushing people away who might otherwise enjoy your company.  My grandfather used to say, “Don’t bother complaining.  Your friends can’t help you and your enemies will be glad.” Resolve to be more positive and friendly.  You will feel better and those around you will notice the difference.
  • Become proactive in your search for fulfillment.  We must accept the fact that no one will do this for us; we must find fulfillment for ourselves. 
  • Develop a plan and stick to it. Begin by writing down three pursuits you have always wanted to do, but have never done.  Establish a time frame for when these will be accomplished.  These objectives can include trying a new hobby within the next month, remodeling a room of your house within the next 6 months, or traveling somewhere you have never been within the next year.   
  • Cease from viewing life as a chore, but rather as an adventure.  I know, it sounds corny, but it works. 
Get up, get going, get busy, and get happy. 

It’s going to be a great day!

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