Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Rising up and Moving Forward

Time is a jet plane; it moves too fast.  –Bob Dylan

Where does the time go?  I think we actually know the answer to this question.  Time passes by, it moves ahead, and we grow older.  These unstoppable truths happen whether we like it or desire it or not.  Perhaps you are feeling down, discontented, and unhappy.  There is hope, my friend.  I have an idea of how you feel, for I have battled similar forces in my own life.  The good news is that through prayer, faith, and the power of God I was able to rise up out of it and discover anew how to enjoy life and live it to the fullest.  As I told a brother pastor who was going through a dark time in his life, “if I can do it, so can you.”

Having said this, I urge you to cease from looking backward and start looking ahead.  We cannot change the past, but we can learn from our mistakes.  We can resolve not to go back to the unproductive and dark places we once were.  Perhaps you are simply unhappy with your overall life and you feel trapped and hopeless.  As I said earlier, there is hope. 

Maybe you cannot change your circumstances of a dead-end job, a mean boss, bad weather, or a rebellious child.  However, you can change you.  Resolve to make the best of your situation by being the best and most productive person you can be.  Begin now by writing down some items you would like to change about yourself.  List areas of your life that need improvement, and then formulate a plan to implement the changes.  Your list might look something like this:

-Begin an exercise routine.
-Be a more positive person.
-Be more patient with my spouse and family.
-Learn to relax and not take life so seriously.

Okay, so what now?  Formulate a plan for putting each of the items on your list into practice.  Your circumstances, no matter how difficult they might seem, will improve if you begin to improve yourself.  Start now, today.  Resolve to stop surviving and start living life to the fullest. 

A brighter day is coming.  Believe it and take hold of it today, for it is within your grasp.