In recent years I have had time to reflect on my own struggle with depression. From 2000 to 2006 I fought a private and horrific battle with this illness. Simple tasks such as getting out of bed in the morning, shaving, taking a shower, getting dressed, and facing the day seemed most of the time like way too much trouble. Pursuits which once gave me tremendous joy and fulfillment began to feel hollow and unrewarding. By the grace of God I did not give up. I persevered through a number of dark and terrible days, I sought God’s help, and around the spring of 2006 I began to climb out of that awful pit.
Having been able, with God’s help, to climb out of the pit of despair and depression, I now try to encourage others at every opportunity who are in a similar condition. If I could offer just one piece of advice to someone struggling with depression it would be this; do not give up. Life is going to get better and your situation will improve if you will hang in there and not surrender to the dark forces warring against you. Life is indeed worth living. The dark days you may be facing will get brighter and you will overcome. Believe it, seek God’s help, and it will be so.
I am grateful for a trend in society which is bringing the blues, sorrow, and depression out of the closet and into the open where they can be properly dealt with. For decades people suffered in silence fearing that if anyone learned of their struggle they would be shunned. Even today people are afraid of letting anyone know of their battle with depression for fear of what others will think. Many of my colleagues in ministry who battle depression are fearful of letting it be known because they view such an admission as a ministerial career killer.
Whoever you are and whatever your station in life there is hope. God loves you, cares for you, and there is a brighter day coming. If you are struggling with the blues, sorrow, or depression talk to someone right away; a trusted friend, pastor, therapist, or your family doctor. Resolve that you will rise up and take back control of your life. Do not suffer in silence any longer. Help is available. In closing, let me share with you my ten reasons why life is worth living:
- Life will get better; give it more time. You will be amazed at how things will have improved in a year from now.
- You are an individual of immeasurable worth and potential. Never forget that.
- You are not here by accident. You were created by God for a divine purpose.
- You are stronger than you think you are.
- There are people who love you and need you in their lives.
- The world is a better place with you in it.
- You may feel terrible, yet you can be happy again.
- God is perfectly willing to help you; just ask and He will be there for you.
- You possess gifts and talents from which others may benefit.
- Joy is coming if you will seek it and wait for it.