Most of us know the feeling of having too much to do and more than we feel we can finish. The term for this condition is having a “full plate.” In fact, I was recently asked to be a part of a local organization, which if I didn’t have so much else going on right now I would have accepted. However, I explained how at the moment my plate is indeed full. Consider having a full plate is a blessing, yet also dangerous. The blessings come as a result of being a part of something larger than ourselves from which we gain tremendous satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. There is also the aspect of camaraderie and forming new friendships as we serve alongside those with whom we labor and share similar points of view.
The dangers of the full plate are we become overwhelmed and spread so thin we end up engaging in great amounts of work while accomplishing little. Anytime this occurs a cutting back on our schedules may be in order. Many people, myself included, don’t like telling people no. When asked to be involved in something, such as a civic group or charitable organization, we feel obligated to say yes even when we know we don’t have the time. If we aren’t careful we up becoming discouraged and wishing we hadn’t committed ourselves in the first place. We then miss out on the blessings which being involved are supposed to bring.
I know in my own life I have become more involved and have a fuller schedule than ever before. The blog you are reading right now had to be trimmed back to once a week, and even that has presented a challenge. I have written another book which is being published and will hopefully be available within the next few weeks. I also have taken on a position with our local hospital as a volunteer chaplain, which is a wonderful blessing and challenge, yet again takes time out of my week. I also have made a commitment to myself to complete a novel I started a few years ago but never finished. This is all on top of my normal day-to-day commitments as a pastor.
Being involved and having a full plate can be good, but be careful; burnout and overextending ourselves can result. Consider these strategies for time management and reaping the benefits of putting our talents to use.
- Know your limitations. If your schedule is already full, be careful about adding more to it. You may have to practice saying no more often.
- Keep your calendar handy and updated. Plan ahead and be aware of commitments which are today as well as next month.
- Schedule time for family. Our spouses and family relationships suffer when we don’t make time for them. Be sure to let our loved ones know we care for them. We accomplish this by making time for them.
- Remember also to make time for yourself. You deserve a break and time off once in a while.